
Weight Loss

Weight Loss & Rheumatology servicing Ohio, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah and Colorado

Weight Loss

About Weight Loss

If you’re tired of stalled weight loss, no energy, and low self-confidence due to carrying excess body weight, see the experts at SlimWell, a virtual weight-loss practice based in Richmond Heights, Ohio, serving adults living in Ohio, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah and Colorado. Dr. Carmen Gota, MD, offers medically supervised weight-loss programs for men and women in all stages of life. Schedule a telehealth appointment at SlimWell by phone or online today.

Weight Loss Q&A

What is SlimWell’s approach to weight loss?

 At SlimWell, we practice MD-led, compassionate, integrative, evidence-based weight loss management. 

The disease of obesity is not the result of personal choices or lack of willpower. Weight gain is caused by certain medical conditions, genetic predispositions, environmental influences, and socio-economic factors that play significant roles, highlighting the need for a comprehensive and compassionate approach to prevention and treatment. 

Shifting the narrative from blame to understanding facilitates the development of more effective strategies and fosters a supportive environment for individuals dealing with obesity.

How are we different than the many other weight loss programs and med spas out there?

Why should you join SlimWell rather than one of the many programs out there that offer a quick intake, "full proof diets," or quick access to a monthly medication prescription?  If you are reading this, you may be like many of our patients who feel discouraged and tired of yoyo diets and dependence on expensive weight loss medications. 

We understand that weight gain has long-term emotional and medical consequences that affect your entire well-being. This is why we designed our program to create a multifaceted, lifelong, solid foundation for weight loss that does not rely solely on one single approach. 

We apply evidence-based weight management to your specific needs and weight loss goals. We believe that knowing the cause of a problem helps find the best cure. We screen for obesity-related complications and implement plans to address and monitor them.  

Dr. Gota sets you up with a monthly membership plan so you can follow up with her whenever needed to maintain a successful weight-loss journey and keep lost weight off for a lifetime. Call Dr. Gota any time with concerns or questions, as she's happy to accommodate your treatment preferences. 

 What are the advantages of medical weight loss?

 Medical weight loss at SlimWell provides the following advantages:

  • Improved self-confidence
  • Improved quality of life
  • More energy 
  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease 
  • Longer life span
  • Better blood sugar control
  • Less joint pain

Achieving your goal weight is much simpler when utilizing medical specialists and professional support vs. trying to lose weight on your own. Dr. Gota has more than 30 years of medical experience. Her compassionate demeanor helps men and women feel comfortable and at ease. 

 Schedule a virtual weight-loss evaluation at SlimWell by calling the office or booking an appointment online today.