Losing weight is hard. It gets even harder when memories of past attempts come crushing over the new intent of trying a diet or exercise program again. I already tried that and it did not work. Or, I tried it and it all came back. Or, I can't live with counting calories every day. Or, or, or.... There is that voice, that negative voice that keeps focusing on everything that did not work before.
Here is a revolutionary idea! Let's focus on what worked before and build on that. Let's accept that there is more than one way to skin the proverbial cat. One attempts is not all attempts. Let's embrace 2024 and make it the year of change. Yeah, easier said than done... the negative voice chimes in. Not easy necessarily, but doable. You, you the one reading this blog, CAN do it.
Here are 3 things that will help you get started.
1. Change your mind set. Prior attempts are not failure, they are experience. You learned what worked and what did not work, so now you can build on that.
2. Find the right information. What is healthy eating, what are macronutritients, how much protein, and carbs and fats I should eat? What diet should I chose. This information is out there. If you cannot find it, follow our blog. Knoweldge is power and I want you to be empowered to make your own decisions, armed with the correct information.
3. Take action! Take action! Ruminating on should I or should I not, letting the negative voice tell you you can't is not action. Action is when you listen to the deeper voice that tells you is time for change.